Psychological assistance in choosing a profession for students

In the life of every man there comes a time when you have to decide where to study and where to work, i.e. to choose a profession, his way of life. What does the right choice of profession mean? First of all, you need knowledge about the professions themselves, the requirements they impose on the person of the worker and the ability to assess their own abilities, identify their interests and aptitudes.

On April 26, 2018 senior teachers of the Department of psychology and defectology of Kostanay state pedagogical University KairovaB.К. andUsembayeva A.H. was found with the purpose of career guidance and outreach to graduates of secondary school № 8 of the city of Kostanay. Graduates received detailed information about the specialties: "Psychology"; "Pedagogy and psychology"; " Defectology». During the meeting, the graduates asked questions about grants, terms of special examinations, employment. They were given exhaustive answers.

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