The student project «Karlygash» conquers the capital

On April 25-26, 2018 in Astana Congress Center EXPO 2017 the National Cup of student entrepreneurship, start-ups and innovations Enactus Kazakhstan National Expo 2018 began. The First Eurasian Forum ENACTUS was held in the National Cup. It unites teams not only from Kazakhstan, but also from Russia, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan. The championship was attended by teams from 50 universities of the country, which presented more than 100 startup projects.

The main directions of the projects implemented by the teams in the framework of Enactus are entrepreneurship, social development, preservation of the environment and application of the business approach for improving the quality and standard of living of the population.

The Cup is organized by the Kazakhstan National Enactus Office, a division of the prestigious international brand that develops entrepreneurship among youth, with the support of Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev, Education and Science Minister Yerlan Sagadiyev, Director of the Department of Youth Policy of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Civil Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askhat Oralov. the duties of the rector of the Financial Academy Elena Zakirova, the director of "Astana Convention Bureau" LLP Saniyar Aitekenov and the representative business. Students have the opportunity to realize their business ideas, using the world's effective knowledge, innovations and business models and adopting the experience of existing businessmen.

Thanks to the support of the rector of the Kostanay State Pedagogical University Yerkin Amanzhalovich Abil and the head of the pedagogy department Utegenova Bibigul Mazanovna, students of the Kostanay State Pedagogical University specialty "History", "Physical Culture and Sport" Kozhamberdiyev Sultan, Bekenov Arsen, Bidalov Aidar, Segizbayev Sultan, Zhumatova Dinara, Adyrbayeva Zhuldyz, Idrisova Aydana under the guidance of the teacher of the department of pedagogy, master of humanitarian sciences Bekenova Asia Kykpaevna.

The students presented the project "Karlygash - school of adaptation and socialization of children" as an interactive platform for providing assistance from students for orphans, children left without parental care, and children from low-income families.

The project "Karlygash" is focused on providing targeted psychological and pedagogical support to children to provide opportunities for the development and development of an active successful personality.

The jury recognized the "Karlygash" project as promising and was highly appreciated. They noted in the project the importance of social work with orphans, as well as those left without parental care and from low-income families. Representatives of Enactus proposed to improve the project, since the problem of social orphanhood is relevant for Kazakhstan. The experts gave recommendations and advice on the further development of the "Karlygash" project.

The jury expressed the opinion that it is difficult to compare large and small projects and budgets. Whoever had large budgets, there is a risk in case of failure of a much larger scale failure. But people were not afraid, risked, took on this responsibility and became winners.
Worthy and those projects that are almost without a budget, on their own - no matter what the scale of the business - did interesting projects, introduced them and achieved the effect.

Participation of the KSPU team allowed to join the International student organization Enactus, and the project "Karlygash" showed good results at the international competition.

This event was held at a high organizational level. The teams were charged with energy and new ideas for further work. The students were awarded diplomas, valuable gifts from ENACTUS.

Students who have become part of the Enactus KSPU team receive not only invaluable experience in the field of student entrepreneurship, but also new acquaintances with the leading business leaders of our country, trips to national competitions, as well as knowledge in business, marketing and sales!

We wish new creative achievements and scientific victories!

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