The fourth stage of modernization of the country – industrial revolution

At psychology and pedagogical faculty, for the purpose of support and promotion of the annual Message of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev "New opportunities of development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution" and formation at students of call of duty and responsibility on realization of tasks and decisions of the Message, have been carried out the curator hours organized by curators of groups and activists of faculty.

Today the world enters an era of profound changes: technological, economic and social. In this regard at the state the program of the fourth industrial revolution which assumes solutions of 10 important tasks has been developed: industrialization and introductions of new technologies, further development of resource potential, clever technologies in development of agro-industrial complex, increase in efficiency of transport and logistic infrastructure, the financial sector, the human capital - a modernization basis, effective public administration, fight against corruption, "the clever cities" for "the clever nation".

On January 19 students of 1 course of specialty "Pedagogic and Psychology" together with the curator Usembayeva A.H. have discussed ways of implementation of the tasks set for youth in the Message of the president, leader of the nation N.A. Nazarbayev. They have been prepared by students the presentation on materials of the Message of the President of the country in which ten main objectives on development of the country have been presented. Authors of the presentation have successfully informed of the vision of this event the classmates, having noted that this Message defines what needs to be made for successful navigation and adaptation in the new world - the world of the Fourth industrial revolution: active introduction of modern technologies to all spheres of life of the Kazakhstan society – the industry, finance, education.

On January 23, 2018 there has passed curator hour according to the message of the President of the country N.A. Nazarbayev at students 2 courses of psychology and pedagogical faculty at specialties PIP and Psychology.

The annual Message of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan is one of key events for our country as in him the Head of state traditionally designates the main vectors of development of our society that, despite progress, the state shouldn't be satisfied with what has already been achieved, it has to always is in search of new opportunities of development".

Curator hours have passed with great interest, students actively acted in each direction, stated the point of view.

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