Tolerance training!

November 22 and December 5, 2018 y., students of the specialty "Psychology" 3 course kazakh department and 4 course russian department under the guidance of teachers of the Department of psychology and defectology Demisenova Sh.S. and Akhmetbekova Z.D. for students of 1 and 4 courses of specialties "Defectology", "Pedagogy and Psychology" and "Psychology" a training was held on the International Day for Tolerance.

The training is aimed at stimulating students' imagination in search of their own understanding of tolerance and the development of the ability to communicate with people. Students took an active part in such training exercises as: “Greeting” - the participants introduced themselves and greeted each other with gestures adopted by different nations; “Gift” - the delivery of a fictional gift using facial expressions and gestures; “No ratings” - the partners took turns telling each other about mutual friends, avoiding ratings; “Matched Chains” is an exercise to rally a team; tantseterapiya and music therapy; Reflection “Tangle of wishes” - they pass each other a thread of good wishes.

Training exercises develop and reinforce behavioral skills and abilities that promote effective positive interaction. The training was held at a good methodical level, the participants noted that they were very interesting, informative, there was a friendly and cheerful atmosphere.

This event contributed to the development of tolerance and increased levels of openness, trust, cohesion in the group.

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