March 1 – Day of gratitude

On the first of March, 2019 the chair of Pedagogy of Psychology and Pedagogical Faculty traditionally organized and carried out an event to celebrate the Day of Gratitude in KGPU after U. Sultangazin.

The leader of the event solemnly opened and informed the present students, teachers, employees, guests of information.

Since 2016, in Kazakhstan there has been a new holiday on March 1 – the Day of Gratitude determined by the decree of the President of the Republic No. 173 of January 14, 2016.

The initiative of establishment of this Day was taken by the President of Kazakhstan – Nursultan Nazarbayev. In the speech at the 22nd Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan (APK) session in April, 2015, within the celebration of its 20 anniversary, he suggested to celebrate the Day of gratitude in the Republic. And day of creation of APK – on March 1 – to choose as date of the holiday when "the people of the country can thank each other and Kazakhs for tolerance and hospitality those years when many people were deported to the country".

"This day can become a bright holiday of mercy, friendship and love of all Kazakhstan citizens to each other", – the head of the state told then.

In the past the whole peoples were deported to Kazakhstan as a result of several migration processes. The Kazakhs helped the deported people, support, promoted preservation of life of people. The modern multinational people of Kazakhstan supported establishment of the holiday on March 1 – Day of Gratitude as a tribute and thanks of all ethnos to each other and to the Kazakhs who showed mercy and accepted these people as the family.

Preparation for education at the younger generation of citizens of feeling of tolerance, friendliness and respect to each other promoting strengthening of interethnic consent and international bonds in Kazakhstan is of great importance for future teacher.

"Remember and be proud of the history" is one of holiday appeals.

During the holiday Day of Gratitude Kim Vasilisa Vasilyevna, a member of the Korean ethnocultural association of the Kostanay region told about deportation of Koreans to the Kostanay area. Vasilisa Vasilyevna expressed the words of gratitude to the Kazakh people for kindness, mercy, and help and wished young students successful study, kindness, and tolerance.

Students of pedagogical specialties held a fruit fair; the money gained will go for charity.



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