Continue the tradition of...

Volunteers of psycho – pedagogical faculty "Good heart" continue their volunteer activities, March 18 2019, Vice-Dean of psychology and pedagogical faculty of Alybaeva G. A., senior teacher of chair of preschool and primary education Zhandauova Sh. E. and students 1, 2 courses of specialty 5B010200-"Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education", 5B010500-"Defectology" organized and held a theatrical performance dedicated to the celebration of "Nauryz" for children from the Regional centre of development of additional education of Department of education of akimat of Kostanay region. This event was attended by children from the art Studio "Wizard" under the leadership of Zhanneta Shakenovna Tursynova. This event was held in the regional library named After L. N. Tolstoy in the art Department.

Also theatrical performance "Nauryz-meiramy" on March 19 2019 was held for children with KSU "Center for support of children in difficult life situation of Kostanay" Department of education of Kostanay region akimat. The event provided familiarization of children with the national color of Kazakh culture traditions and customs. Students were presented a concert program, so the student of 1 course of the specialty "Pedagogics and psychology" Spitback Zhanerke performed the song "Nauryz Duman", a dance troupe of the faculty of "ROYALS" performed the Kazakh dance "Gave qi" and modern dance, which involved the boys. A keen interest was aroused in children holding competitions for knowledge of traditional Kazakh dishes and games: "Shanyrak", "Baiga", "Yurt", "Tenge zhinau", "Oramal". During the celebration, the atmosphere of good, fun and joy reigned in the institutions. Children with interest took part, got acquainted with the Kazakh traditions and customs.

During the celebration, the atmosphere of good, fun and joy reigned in the institutions. Children with interest took part, got acquainted with the Kazakh traditions and customs. The apogee of the holiday was the traditional shashu, where students treated children to baursaks, sweets and cookies. And according to the continuing tradition, children from the center for support of children in difficult life situations were presented with postcard letters prepared by the children of the "Wizard" art Studio in honor of the Nauryz holiday. At the end of the event, everyone congratulated each other on the upcoming holiday of spring and renewal – "Nauryz - meiramy" and said a lot of warm words to each other. The event ended with a photo session. 

Teachers: Alypbaeva G. A., Sh. E. Zhandauova

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