Student contest of innovative projects dedicated to EXPO – 2017

ecspo11.04.2014April 11th, 2014 the final step of student contest of innovative projects dedicated to EXPO – 2017 took place at Kostanay state pedagogical institute.
Basic goals and tasks of the contest are:
1) Assistance to form intellectual potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) Promotion of scientific-research and educational-cognitive activity of students;
3) Selection and support of most talented and gifted students.
Within the institute the student contest of innovative projects dedicated to EXPO – 2017 was held in three stages:
1 stage – preparation of innovative projects from November 15, 2013 till January 15, 2014
2 stage – passing the expert assessment from January 16, 2013 till February 16, 2014
3 stage – public protection of the best 6 student innovative projects.

ecspo 11.04.142This event was one of the most important happenings in student life of the academic year. This type of competition gives a chance to every student to improve his knowledge of scientific sphere, to develop the intelligence, to acquire abilities and skills in scientific and research and scientific and experimental activity under the direction of scientific supervisor.
According to the results of expert committee 6 best teams reached the finals. Performed projects were assessed by competent jury, which is composed of: chairman of the jury – doctor of geographical sciences, professor, and academician of the Kazakh Academy of education named after I. Altynsarin, rector of KSPI Baymyrzayev Kuat Maratuly.
Члены жюри:
Members of the jury:
1) Doctor of historical sciences, professor, vice-rector on scientific work and international relations of KSPI Abil Erkin Amanzholovich;
2) Candidate of juridical sciences, docent, vice-rector on educational and methodological work of KSPI Tolegen Mukhtar Adelbekuly;
11.04.1443) Candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent, vice-rector on educational work and social and economical issues of KSPI Akhmetov Tlegen Almukhanovich;
4) Candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent, head of chair of pedagogy of PPF of KSPI Utegenova Bibigul Mazanovna.Discussion of projects was carried out in terms of constructive criticism and reflected the deep professional interest among scientists of our institute with extensive professional experience in education, which undoubtedly gave the competition a truly scientific relevance.
The winners of the competition:
1. The team of students of faculty of physical education, sports and tourism Shkvarenko Nikita, Teslenok Grigoriy, Kintayev Medet, Kovalchuk Izabella, Fogel Kristina with the project "Using alternative power source in development of tourist business".
11.04.142. Team of students of the 3rd course of specialty "Biology" of natural and mathematical faculty Zhakupov Amangeldy and Asylgareyev Damir. Theme of project: "Reclamation of dumps of iron ore quarry (on the example of SSGPO)".
3. Team of students of the 2nd course of specialty "Pedagogy and psychology" of psychological and pedagogical faculty Khasenova Umit and Ibraeva Aytolkyn. Project volunteer club "Demeu".Institute competition winners for the bet innovation project dedicated to EXPO – 2017, according to the decree of rector are awarded with diplomas of I, II, III degrees and with monetary award: 1 place – 100 000 tenge, 2nd place – 70 000 tenge, 3rd place – 50 000.
All participants expressed their willingness to continue in the future conducting similar research activities that contribute to the dissemination of the work of other participants, provide valuable experience in the development of communication skills, and teach abilities to nominate and logically justify their assumptions, provide alternative explanations to prove his point.

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