
webinar20.01.15On the January 20th 2015 the department of the science, foreign relations and innovative development organized and carried out a webinar on discussion of the contest which was announced by British Council and JSC "Science Fund" in the Partnership program "Neuton Al-Farabi" of creation of Centers of professional development and interrelation on th basis of higher educational institutions and scientific institutions of Kazakhstan. The goal of Center creation is to support the scientific and research activity in Kazakhstan and improvement of effectiveness of research of faulty staff of higher educational institutions.
The reports were presented on-line by the representatives of Science Fund and British Council including detailed information about requirements of taking part in the contest in order to give Kazakhstan's educational institutions a chance to participate in partner research programs in their region through creation of Centers of professional development and interrelation.

The webinar was attended by higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including KSPI. The following questions were asked during the session by the heads of chair of pedagogy Utegenova B.M. and chair of foreign languages Kudritskaya M.I., the head of the departemtn of science, foreign relations and innovative development Baymukhambetova B.Sh.:
- Is there any payment to employees who will coordinate the work of the Centre?
- Can we create a Center in the certain direction?
- Is it necessary to find a partner from the United Kingdom and coordinate with him the application on Center creation?
- In what language can send the application?
Perspectives' discussion of Center development and its effectiveness during the webinar was carried out in line with constructive criticism and reflected the deep scientific and professional interest of KSPI scientists, as well as a desire to participate in this competition.

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