Google – Scholar

02.02.14On February 2, 2015 the department of science, foreign relations and innovative development organized and carried out the scientific and methodological seminar on selection of foreign journals with impact-factor and determination of personal index of citation.
The seminar was attended by faculty's staff, deans of the faculty, heads of the chairs, young scientists of Kostanay state pedagogical institute.
The information about the selection's methods of indexed journals was presented by the vice-rector on academic work and foreign relations, doctor of historical sciences, Professor Abil E.A. He highlighted the questions of using search system Google scholar and gave a piece of practical advice on determination of personal index of citation: which steps should be taken for registration in this system, how to structure your academic publications in the system, what to do in order to increase the index of citation.

This information caused a deep professional interest of KSPI's staff. Thereby the attendants of the seminar expressed a desire to continue holding such scientific events as an effective form of improvement of quality of academic articles.

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