"The research potential of students of higher education: prospection"

20.03.15On March 20, 2015 the department of pedagogy of psychology and pedagogy faculty within a week organized and carried out the international online conference "The research potential of students of higher education: prospection". Participants of this conference were students of Kostanay State Teacher Training Institute; students of the International university of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek; students of Rudny industrial institute. The main objective of action consisted in ensuring network interaction of higher education institutions on a problem of formation of research culture of students, broadcasts of experience of training of future competitive experts, realization of the international cooperation and interaction between higher education institutions.

Reports of conferees caused a keen interest and discussion.
By results of network communication by the moderator Utegenova B. M., Chair manager of pedagogics, candidate of pedagogical sciences, the associate professor recommended the following offers:
1. To continue the begun cooperation between our higher education institutions on the general hot topics and problems of training of specialists.
2. To prepare the Contract on cooperation between our higher education institutions in such directions, as
- carrying out joint online conferences,
- scientific seminars,
- remote international scientific and practical conference,
- joint publications,
- implementation of the program for the academic mobility.
3. Development of joint student's scientific projects.

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