2015-2016 year – year of innovations

-In 2015-2016 academic year, for realization of the Plan of usage of innovative technologies in learning process, lecturers of different departments a restarting togive open (prepared) lessons from October. During this year lecturers are going to give 62 open (prepared) lessons with the usage of modern educational technologies.
On October of this year there are some open (prepared) lessons which will be given by lecturers - Myrzagalieva К.М. (department of Kazakh language and literature, October, 29, 9.30,509clr.), Bekmagambetova М.Zh. (department of history of Kazakhstan, October, 16, 15.30, 215cls.), Ragatova М.О. (department of World History and social disciplines, October, 27, 16.30, А-203 aud.), Podavets О.D. (department of foreign languages, October, 26, 16.30.,307cls.), Kalinichenko О.В. (department of psychology, October, 14, 9.30,811cls.), Kuzmenko U.P. (department of pre-school, elementary and special education, October, 30, 11.30, 629cls.), Omarova К.I. (department of natural sciences, October, 28, 11.30, 811cls.), Baimagambetova К.Т. (department of natural sciences, October, 8, 13.30, 811 cls.)

Besides, within the work of methodical weeks, departments are going to give no more than two open lessons. So, lecturers will have opportunities to share their own experiences among colleagues in usage of innovative technologies, to show their skills in organizing the lesson, helping in activation of leaning-cognitive activity of students.
For methodical seminars-meetings, dedicated to the year of innovations, departments will invite not only other lecturers of KSPI, but also teachers from schools of city and region. Participants of methodical seminars-meetings will be lecturers of the Institute, teachers from Nazarbayev intellectual school of Kostanay region, Zhambyl UGS, Alexander SS, schools of city. Thus, for example, the methodical seminar-meeting, planned with the department of pedagogy on April, 2016, will be under the theme «Scientific help of lecturers in implementation of innovative technologies in teaching», where participants will be the head of the branch C.U. «Center of pedagogical mastering of Kostanay city» Onischenko Е.А., lecturers of the Institute, teachers from schools of Kostanay city.
On October the department of foreign languages will hold 4 lessons for usage of interactive educational platform "Edmodo". Lessons will be placed on Saturdays, at 13.30, in the center of Multilinguism.
Lecturers, who have passed the personal qualification courses during 2012-2015 years on the base of branch of JSC «Orleu» - SIRQHSE, are going to start working on the innovative projects. The exhibition of innovative projects will be taken place in the second half of this current academic year.
Within the work of cooperation between department and secondary schools and educational instuitions of city and region, give the educational-methodical help to ungraded schools in usage of active methods of teaching and innovative technologies in conditions of transfer on the 12-year model of learning there will be some round tables and online-conferences. Thus, for example, department of history of Kazakhstan is going to have online-conference on the theme: "Issues in teaching at UGS" with teachers of Sarykol district on April, 13, 2016; department of pre-school, elementary and special education is going to have a scientific-methodical seminar on the theme: "Innovative methods as a condition of development of functional literacy on the base of junior pupils" with teachers of Alexander secondary ungraded school.
Lecturers of department of physics-mathematical and common technical disciplines Telegina O.S., Demissenov B.N., Asskanbaeva G.B., Alimbaev A.A. will hold online-competitions "Tengri" with pupils from schools of city by disciplines physics and math.
The implementation of the plan for the use of innovative technologies involves all departments of the institute. Report on the implementation of the plan for the year of innovations will be heard by the Academic Council at the end of the academic year.
Thus, we can only wish success and creativity to departments in the implementation of these plans.

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