Meeting in Students’ House

11.11.15With the aim of rising of legal literacy, prevention of religious extremism among youth and education of interconfessional harmony among young people the Association of Practicing Psychologists in partnership with the Administration of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute in the framework of the order of the Office for Youth Policy of akimat of Kostanay region had given a seminar on "Pseudomuslim organizations: the nature and threat. "The event was intended for students living in the hostel, and held in the assembly hall of the hostel № 2 of KSPI.
Such meetings has been carried out by order of public authorities not only in the city of Kostanay, but also in the areas of our region because, unfortunately, nowadays the low level of knowledge of young people about non-traditional religious movements and the consequent involvement of the young generation to the destructive and extremist organizations is one of the central problems requiring urgent solutions.11.11.15The essence of the problem is the disregard for existing social rules and norms of behavior or of denying them, undermines the effectiveness of public administration and authority of the government in society has an extremely negative impact on its various spheres, as well as a destabilizing factor in the life of every individual person.The seminar was attended by the Head of the Office for youth policy Alimzhanov K.G., head of the socio-educational work of KSPI, PhD (doctorate) in pedagogy, Zhakaeva S.A., specialists from government agencies, IPOs and volunteers from among students of KSPI.

11.11.15Chief Specialist of the Office of Religious Affairs of Kostanay region Abishev NM told about religious situation in the country and non-traditional religious movements of pseudomuslim orientation.
The expert of the Center of assistance to victims of destructive religious movements Nugmanov T.K. had shown the data and specifications of prohibited in Kazakhstan the pseudoreligious organizations.
Members of seminars, passed through the training at the School of young volunteers of Association of practical psychologists within the realizing project of the Department of Youth policy affairs students of KSPI Bychikhina Anastasia and Shakirova Yana told about pseudo-curing and nontraditional religious organizations with the usage of multimedia presentations.
At the end of the meeting students had got informational-methodical book lets about for bidden organizations in Kazakhstan, about radical, extremist and destructive religious movements, brochures with advertisement of the Center of assistancetovictimsofdestructive religious movements in Kostanay city and republican hot line 114.

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