Meeting of the leaders and members of the IRG Kostanay region

On October 14, 2016 in the conference hall of KSPI a regional meeting was held of leaders and members of the information and explanatory groups of universities, colleges, cities and districts of Kostanay region. Nugurbekov N.K, the head of the Department for religious and civil society affairs of Kostanay region, made a report on the results of the work of the IPG for 2016 and tasks for the upcoming 2017, which in his speech expressed special gratitude for the work done by the IRG KSPI - the Center for Religious Studies. For contribution to the propaganda of inter-confessional consent and outreach on the prevention of religious extremism, the members of the IRG KSPI D. Abenov, K. Abil'malikov and G. Shaimerden were awarded with cash prizes and letters of thanks from the Department for affairs and civil society of religions of Kostanay region.

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