The victory of student in the Asian and Oceanic Championship

Победа Қабыл Тұрсынай на чемпионате Азии и Океании

In the money box of sports trophies of the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism of Kostanay State Pedagogical University there are two more gold medals. He won the 2nd year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sport". He was a Master of Sport of the international class, the gold medalist of the VI International Games "Children of Asia", the winner of the Asian Asian Paralympic Games (United Arab Emirates), the bronze World Cup Paralympic Powerlifting Champion, repeated winner of the championships of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Tursynay activist not only in sports - this year the girl became the second vice-miss of the contest "Miss Virtual Kazakhstan-2018".

With her last participation in the Asian and Oceania Championships in Paralympic Powerlifting in Japan, the KSPU student not only brought 2 gold medals to the national team of Kazakhstan, but also set a new Asian record in her weight class up to 41 kg.

From the bottom of our heart we want to congratulate Tursynay and wish them further victories in sports, creativity and study!

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