Family Day

On October 27  the event dedicated to the International Family Day among married students of the institute under the auspices of "Mereylі Otbasy" was held in Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute. The competition was attended by two couples of the institute: Zhaksylykova Gulnur - the 4th year student of the Faculty of History and Arts of the specialty "Music education" and Olzhabaev Erkebulan, Kuzina Mariya - the 1st year student of psycho-pedagogical faculty, specialty "Defectology" and her husband - Kuzin Dmitry Petrovich. The competition consisted of 4 steps: Round 1 - presentation of the family, Round 2 - "Tradition", Round 3 - "Warm cooking",  Round 4 - "Family hobby - our talent." According to the regulations, every contest should not exceed three minutes and evaluated on a 5-point scale. As a result of competition Zhaksylykova Gulnur and Olzhabaev Erkebulan took 1st place, Kuzina Maria and Kuzin Dmitry took the second place. The winners were awarded diplomas and valuable gifts.

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