Regional debate tournament

On October 14 on the basis of Rudniy High School № 19 has taken place the regional debate tournament devoted to the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev “Болашаққа бағдар: рухани жаңғыру”. The tournament was held within the state social order of SI “Department of Internal Policy of Akimat of the Kostanay Region”, the organizer of which was KRB “Жас Отан”.

The tournament has gathered 16 teams from different districts of the region. The subject of the tournament was relevant and participants with great pleasure played on the offered resolutions. The first round has passed in a small nervousness because the most of participants participated in a similar action for the first time. The final is closer, the degree in a game increases more and games have taken place already in more persistent fight.

We represent results of a regional debate tournament:

  • The І place – “Әкенің даңғыл жолымен” (Aziz Shamitdinov, Akzhol Meshitkhan), KSPI
  • The ІІ place – “Big Boss” (Zhuldyzai Tulemis, Aytkul Zhandarbek), KSPI
  • “The best speaker” – Zhuldyzai Tulemis, KSPI
  • “LD finalist” – Akzhol Meshitkhan, KSPI

The winners have been awarded with valuable prizes and cups.


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