“The gala concert devoted to RK Independence Day”

On December 12, 2017 in the building of regional philharmonic hall of E. Umirzakov for the staff of Kostanay state pedagogical institute was held the festive event with an involvement of actors of philharmonic hall, devoted to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the hall there were home front workers of the Second World War, veterans of pedagogical work, scientists, teachers and students of the institute. The congratulatory speech was made by the acting rector of KSPI, the candidate of pedagogical sciences Musabekova G.A.

The famous singers of our region, Winners of the International and Republican competitions G. Abdullina, K. Zhakayeva S. Abilev, M. Kadirov, I. Karapetsky, G. Usenova, orchestra of the Kazakh national instruments under the control of “Madeniyet kayratkery” N. Moldakhmetov participated in the concert. In the concert were provided choreographic compositions of the dancing group “Altynay”, ensemble of “A Slavic song”, the vocal quartet “New Boyz”. It was the first action for the staff of the institute, which took place in an unusual format. The hall hosted performances with a rough applause, as a token of gratitude actors were granted flowers.















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