“Meeting with the own correspondent of the “Egemen Kazakhstan” newspaper Zharimbetova N.K.”

Within implementation of the program article of the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev “Prospection: modernization of public consciousness” in KSPI have been organized a number of meetings with significant people of our region.

On December 8, 2017 at Kostanay state pedagogical institute has taken place a meeting with own correspondent of the “Egemen Kazakhstan” newspaper, the winner in the “Plan of the Nation – 100 Concrete Steps” nomination Zharimbetova Nazira Kypshakbaykyzy. The meeting’s purpose was – demonstration and holding a master-class about the work with photo and video materials.

Our guest has explained to the students the basis of a video filming, a technique of an article preparation, how to make a photo for the newspaper correctly. For the students was offered a number of methods on preparation and collecting materials for an article in the newspaper, literacy of statement of a thought and writing of the text. Zharimbetova N.K. has told about the achievements in the sphere of journalism, about specifics and creative activity of a profession, about interesting and funny cases from the life. Students listened everything with an interest and received answers to all questions interesting them.



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