Meeting with the Hero of work of Kazakhstan Tursunov A.Zh.

On December 8, 2017 in our institute has taken place the meeting with the famous person not only in Kostanay region, but also all Kazakhstan. Alamat Zhanabilyevich Tursunov is the Kazakhstan businessman, the inventor, the organizer of agricultural production, the member of council of national investors at the President of Kazakhstan (2007-2011), the general director of LLP “Karasu TIC”, Hero of Labor of Kazakhstan (2016), the clubman of patrons of the Kostanay region.

He was born on January 17, 1966 in Karasu village of the Kostanay region; in the same place he has left secondary school. He has graduated from S. Seyfulin Akmola agricultural university, in 2000 – the Kazakh state academy of management in “The international economic relations” specialty.

The guest has told about the work experience, which for Alamat Zhanabilyevich has begun in 1989 in Karasu children’s and youth sports school where he worked as the trainer. Literally, in a year he works as the combine operator, the engineer of state farm Tyuntyugursky.

Further since 1991 – the vice-chairman of the Fund of a youth initiative of Karasu district, the director of Zhastar small enterprise, 1996 – the general director of SC MTE “Karasuskoye”. Since 1999 – the president of OSC Karasu, with 2002 the general director of LLP “Karasu TIC”, which is engaged in agricultural production.

Alamat Zhanabilyevich has brought a huge contribution in development of our country. In 1999 he has developed the program of modernization of technological processes in agriculture, began to practice chemical steam instead of repeated machining, destructive for the soil. Since 2008 he carries out the transition to the zero technology of cultivation of grain crops providing a harvest even in a drought. He is inventor of “A way of cultivation of grain crops on steam and laylands”.

During the meeting, students of KSPI asked various questions: Your way to the Hero of Labor? Your first impression at a meeting with the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev? What did Independence bring for you? Our guest answered all these questions with very interesting information, inspiring our students for good study, courage in business, leading to an active and a healthy lifestyle. The meeting has taken place in a good confidential atmosphere. At the meeting, there were teaching stuff of faculties, the deans, heads of departments, students.

Встреча с Героем труда Казахстана Турсуновым А.Ж.

Встреча с Героем труда Казахстана Турсуновым А.Ж.

Встреча с Героем труда Казахстана Турсуновым А.Ж.

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