"Ms. students-2017"

On December 3, 2017 in an entertainment complex Dionysus the beauty contest "Ms. students - 2017" was held. The most beautiful, talented students of higher education institutions and colleges of the Kostanay region participated in tender.

Our institute was represented: student 2 courses of natural and mathematical faculty of Umbetova Dinara and student 2 courses of psychology and pedagogical faculty of Nurakhmiet Dana. Girls were chosen on a casting which took place on November 3 in the assembly hall of KSPI.

Tender consisted of five rounds: 1 round – acquaintance, the 2nd round – a fashion show in a carnival costume, the 3rd tour – a fashion show in a national suit, the 4th tour – creative tender, the 5th tour – final a fashion show in an evening dress where contestants showed the erudition, talent, intellectual qualities and of course beauty. In this large-scale tender the rank "Ms. Students — 2017" in the strongest competition was won by Umbetova Dinara. The student 2 courses of psychology and pedagogical faculty of Nurakhmiet Dana was marked out in the Ms. Sharma nomination.


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