"Youth and labor union - the strategy of the future"

"Youth and labor union - the strategy of the future" - under such name on April 13, 2017 to Kostanay the Republican seminar on generalization of work experience of Association of the trade-union organizations of students of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS and colleges of regional committee of labor union of educators and science of the Kostanay region started.

At the end of the first working day, participants of a seminar are representatives of youth from all areas of the Republic, visited the Kostanay state teacher training college. The vice-chairman of the trade-union committee of KSPI Zhukeyeva D. B. made the report "Organizational and information work of trade-union committee – the key to success of the trade-union organization". During the performance provided to participants of a seminar methodical recommendations, benefits about work with students. Special attention, the audience gave to the profound stand, many of them photographed, asked questions, in a word the live and interesting dialogue was started.

Then guests visited regional tender of propaganda teams "Labor union - dreams come true". 7 teams acted: KSPI, KPK, KMK, KIPK, KSU, ARKSPI, KSK. The benevolent atmosphere reined in the concert hall, the hall chanted trade-union slogans.






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