Welcome, Nauryz!

The Nauryz is a holiday of spring, updating of the nature, the beginning of new year, new life. In the center of the area six-winged yurts are established, people have fun, congratulate each other on approach of New year, wish well each other. The festive action took place on the square in front of regional Akimat. The collective of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute has traditionally presented a yurt on celebration Meyrama's Nauryz. Colourfully decorated yurt furniture of the Kazakh national life, covered dastarkhan with dishes of the ethnic cuisine hospitably welcomed guests.

The rector of KSPI of Abil E.A. has congratulated guests on a holiday of spring updating. The akim of the city of Kostanay Zhakypov B. Sh. was the main and very first guest. Also honourable citizens of Berkenova A.A., Shayakhmet A.K., Ospanov S., Kenzhebek I., Amanzhol Kuzembaiuly, etc. have visited yurt of KSPI . At a yurt a concert have been organized by forces of students of faculty of history and arts. All guests who have visited a yurt this day were treated a Nauryz kozhe, baursaks and different sweets.

The brightest impressions remained with all, visited a yurt this day. The sincere generosity always enriches others, helping to make the world around us it is kinder, more joyful, and life is fuller and brighter.



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110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

  • Tel./fax: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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