Interaction and collaboration with rural ungraded school


-Chair of Russian Language and Literature since 2012 has been working closely with Zhambylskaya ungraded school of Kostanay region: an agreement concluded on pedagogical collaboration, developed a joint work plan. According to the plan, teachers of the chair render methodological assistance to teachers of school in the organization of training and educational work: individual counseling on teaching Russian language and literature, field training seminars, trainings, workshops on topical issues in the development of ungraded schools, joint activities undertaken in the framework of the Week of the chair. School teachers took an active part in the methodical seminar "Innovative technologies in teaching Russian language."

Great interest aroused by Pchelkina T.R., candidate of philological sciences, Head of the chair of Russian Language and Literature of Faculty of Kazakh and Russian philology of KSPI on "Creating educational video as a way to activate students' work in literature classes".

Teachers noted the importance of the problem raised by Arsaeva S.B., senior lecturer at the chair of Russian language and literature on the topic "The specifics of the study of Kazakh literature in higher educational institutions, and at the school."
The workshop participants were active in a master class on the development of critical thinking in the formation of functional literacy of students of ungraded schools held by Ischanova Raisa, the head of SRCPCPE.


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