Methodical work of the institute departments in the first half of 2016-2017 academic year

The first half of 2016-2017 academic year had methodical weeks of the following departments: Kazakh language and literature, Russian language and literature, the educational center of physical training, theory and practice of physical culture, sport and tourism. As part of the week the educational center of physical training there were 3 open classes, conducted by senior teachers Ageeva S.V., Zhumabaev A.N., Dosmukhamedov M.M., meeting between students of 1 course and the representatives of AIDS Center - Zhalbirova A.T., Koyshigulova A.Z. and methodical seminar on the theme "Monitoring of physical health of students" with the participation of teachers of physical culture of the city of Kostanay, and teachers of the Faculty of Physical Education, sports and tourism.

The program of the methodical week of theory and practice of physical culture, sport and tourism had: a lecture (Paniyaz A.P.), a practical training (Ibraeva R.Zh.), a laboratory class on discipline "Anatomy and basics of sports morphology" conducted in the form of anatomical brain-ring (Egorova A.M. and Pletneva A.G.), educational activities with students of specialty "Physical culture and sport", "Tourism".

Senior lecturer Shilov I.A., director of the Kostanay regional federation of powerlifting bodybuilding and fitness, as part of the week the Department had held the championship on bench press among girls, juniors, women, boys, juniors, men and veterans, dedicated to the 25-th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the city of Rudny, in sports complex "Umai", where the judges were our students, who had demonstrated a fairly high level of sports qualification. Competition on the theme "The first steps in the profession" was held by senior lecturers Kovsh N.A., Kakashev K.T., the aim of the event was the summing up the practical training of students of 3 course.

The week of department of Russian language and literature had started with open lectures of the associate professor, candidate of philological sciences Zharkova V.I. Valentina Ivanovna oriented students to independently search for answers to many problematic issues of the artistic heritage of A.I. Herzen. The lecture highlighted the main feature of the Russian classic art, giving it unity and integrity, - analytical and critical thinking the value of the artistic world of the writer of our time.

Game-research on the theme "Tolerance - the basis of values of Mangilik El" was shown by professor, Ph.D. Karbenova Z.U. and the associate professor of the Department of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, Ph.D. Evdokimova O.N. THe lesson was aimed at the acquisition of skills of interpersonal interaction, readiness of students to the ability to implement the knowledge and skills of professional work in real life situations. It was about tolerance and intolerance, of the forms of manifestation of intolerant behavior in society. Alternative forms of lesson was interesting not only to students but also colleagues who had visited and become active participants in the event. The competition of readers "Sing my Fatherland!", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was attended by students of the first and fourth courses of the specialty "Russian language and literature" and pupils of the 8th grade of school-gymnasium named after M.Gorky. Chairman of the jury was a Kostanay poet, a member of the literary association "Ark" Demidovich EV The literary event was organized by lecturers of the department Musstakimova G.V. and Koval O.V.


Methodological seminar, which is traditionally held under the methodical week of the department, this year focused on the theme "School - high school: problems and prospects of cooperation" . The seminar was actively participated by school teachers of school №7, NIS, SGG, school №2, school № 8, school №1 and lecturers of the department. The participants had discussed the problems of adaptation of theoretical knowledge in practical work of the teacher, practice organization in the transition to a new system of training and new forms of cooperation between school and university.

The program of the week of the Kazakh language and literature had two open classes conducted by the Dean of the faculty of the Kazakh and Russian philology, candidate of philological sciences Essirkepova K.K. and a senior lecturer Esengazina B.B.: a lecture of Essirkepova K.K. was devoted to the theme "Concept and its types". The lecture was interesting and exciting, raised the questions of philosophy, logic, sociology and ethnolinguistics. The lecturer used modern methods and techniques which had contributed to the active participation of students in conversation. At seminar Esengazina B.B. organized group work, where in the course of the session students showed not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills.

«Тәуелсіздік - тәу етер жалғыз кием» - that was the name of competition of readers in which students of the 3 course were like participants. Participants read passages of prose and poetry of Kazakh classics. Students demonstrated not only a love of artistic expression, but also the skill of reincarnation staged dramatic works. This traditional event, which each year students take an active part, prepared by lecturers A.K.Abdrasheva, GA Seisembayev, S.B.Ermanova. The round table with the participation of teachers of the region was dedicated to one of the most topical issues in the education system - the problems of ungraded schools. It was about the most appropriate methods and forms of work with children in the conditions of ungraded schools. Teachers, Nysanbayeva A.N. and Nurgazina G.G. told about the experience of working in Maykolskoy ungraded school. The roundtable was attended by not only the teachers and professors, there were also students. Besides methodological weeks of departments and methodical workshops held in the framework of their cathedral weeks there were methodical seminars, round tables and online conference of departments, such as: foreign languages, arts, physical and mathematical and technical disciplines, pre-school and primary education, history of Kazakhstan.


On December 9, 2016 the webinar with international master in the field of special and inclusive education, Karsakpaeva Madina, Rouhempton University, UK had been organized on the basis of the foreign languages department. Topic of the Webinar - «Inclusion as the way to globalised education». The webinar was attended by teachers of the department of foreign languages and 4th year students of specialty 5B011900 "Foreign language: two foreign languages".

November 30, 2016 the Department of Arts was held methodical seminar on the topic "The formation of research skills of students in the conditions of modernization of education" with the participation of teachers of music, fine arts and drawing of secondary schools in the city. The methodological seminar was attended by teachers of secondary schools number 1, 3, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, the gymnasium named after M. Gorky, and lecturers of the department.

The roundtable on "Educational area", "Technology" and "Educational Robotics" with the participation of teachers of technology of PhML, representatives of KSU, KInEU and NIS was made by the department of Physical, Mathematical and technical disciplines of natural-mathematical faculty. During the meeting, there was the exchange of robotics teaching experience in higher education, in Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics, in schools of the city and the city school of technical creativity

Department of preschool and primary education, psycho-pedagogical faculty had held republican online conference together with the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute on the theme "Actual problems of training of younger schoolboys in the conditions of modernization of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan."

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