“The specificity of international educational programs in foreign universities”

14.01.15-sem 1

In 2014, teachers of the chairs of pedagogy, foreign languages, the chair of natural sciences, physical and mathematical and technical disciplines in accordance with the approved schedule of NTSPK branch of JSC "Orleu" - Republic Institute for Management and the academic staff of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been trained on the basis of Newcastle University in Newcastle (UK) and at the International Academy of Management and Technology in Düsseldorf (Germany).

The main goal of the courses is to improve the qualification of teacher of pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions in the field of modern technology of teaching and training for the increasing of competitiveness of the country's system of higher education. According to the results of foreign training on January 14, 2015 for the teachers of the institute was methodical seminar "The specificity of international educational programs in foreign universities."

The vice-rector of academic and methodological work Tolegen M.A., noted that the collaboration with foreign universities provides an unique opportunity to study the peculiarities of system of higher education, to assess the quality of our own training and to compare the level of teaching in the institute and abroad. During the seminar teachers exchanged the experience of using modern technology in the learning process, showed their presentations.

Kudritskaya M.I., candidate of pedagogical sciences, and Podavets O.D., senior teacher of the chair of foreign languages introduced to teachers the system of education of Newcastle University in United Kingdom. The information received by them during the course training at the University of Newcastle now used in the course "Methods of teaching foreign languages." The approach "blended learning" is implemented, when along with classroom teaching is widely used virtual learning environment: communication with students online through the platform www.edmodo.com, maintenance of student diaries in the form of blogs www.blogspot.com, creating web-quests www.zunal.com and mental maps www.mind42.com, creating online presentations www.prezi.com. Students are not only taught using Internet technologies, but also they learn to create a virtual learning environment for their future students.

Elective course "Introduction to the research activities", developed by Ismagulova G.K., candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor of foreign languages, allows to introduce students to the theory and practice of research activities, equip them with the knowledge and techniques to form a cognitive independence. Course objective: to provide methodological support to students during the research and preparation of presentations on various scientific conferences and writing academic papers (articles, course, degree, etc.).

Demesenov B.M., Senior teacher of the chair of natural sciences, reported on the use of interactive technology course "ELTHE" in the classroom.
INTAMT - educational institution for the training of organizational and methodological support for the exchange of experiences among the CIS countries with Germany. Interesting presentation with slides (at the end of the internship at the International Academy of Management and Technology - Düsseldorf) was presented by Shalgimbekova A.B., Senior teacher of the chair of Pedagogy: post about the education system in Germany, on the use of practice-based learning in higher educational institution at the end of the internship Germany. These training courses have opened opportunities for professional growth as a teacher, gave impetus to the use of new educational technologies in the educational process, and facilitated the exchange of experiences and memories.


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