Telephone conference on academic mobility


On the 9th of September 2014 Kostanay state pedagogical institute took part in telephone conference on academic mobility. Organizers of this conference Center of the Bologna Process and academic mobility of MES RK. The meeting was also attended by representatives of national and regional universities of Kazakhstan. On behalf of the institute performed a vice rector on educational and methodological work Tolegen M.A.

Conference call was held in the form of on-line video, where participants discussed a number of issues in the field of education, relating to the need of system work for development of external and internal academic mobility. One of the central themes of the conference was the prospects of closer inter-university cooperation in Kazakhstan and abroad. There were discussed other important issues: the problem of determining the duration of one semester abroad and issues of payment for completing the course, repass of disciplines studied abroad. Following the event, an agreement was reached on the need to develop interaction and cooperation of Kazakhstani universities and foreign universities.

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