Мeeting of the commission on distribution of graduates

On May 18 at KSPI the meeting of the commission on distribution of graduates on full-time and part-time forms of studying of 2016, on the basis of the order No. 16-T of 22.04.2016 "Creation of the commission on distribution of young specialists" had taken place. The chairman of the commission, acting rector of institute Abil E.A., the methodologist of department of development of preschool and general secondary education of department of education of akimat of Kostanay region Myrzakhmetova S. U., the chief of educational-methodical department Kifik N. Y., the head of department of personnel work of department of education of akimat of the city of Kostanay Doshchanova A. D., deans of faculties, head of department of practice, employment and state services Nurusheva A.B. had taken part in work of the commission. Work on distribution had been begun by the chairman of the commission Abil E.A., he had congratulated students on the fact that they enter on a new stage of life – the employment.

Head of department of practice, employment and state services Nurusheva A.B. had read the main requirements for an employment and changes and additions for the direction of young specialists for work No. 390 of March 30, 2012.
332 graduates trained within the state educational grant, including 90 graduates within "a rural quota" had taken part in distribution. 65,6% of graduates were distributed according to the provided petitions of the state educational institutions from the taken part of students.

Because of a small number of hours of the provided vacancies the Department of education of akimat of Kostanay region on the specialties "Basics of law and economy", "Defectology", "Chemistry", "Vocational education", "Biology", "Geography", etc. students had been sent after the termination of institute to job-centers of the population and social programs for the residence, according to the entered changes and additions of the resolution of the government of Republic of Kazakhstan of March 30, 2012 to No. 390 ""The approval of Rules of the direction of the expert for work, providing the right of independent employment, release from a duty or the stopping of an obligation for working off to citizens, from among village (rural) youth, arrived within a quota of training in pedagogical, medical and veterinary specialties, and also the citizens trained on the basis of the educational order on pedagogical and medical specialties (a bachelor degree, internship, a residence, a master courses) and trained in doctoral studies according to the program of doctors of philosophy (PhD), both modification and additions in the resolution of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 23, 2008 No. 28 "The approval of Rules of award of an educational grant".

Also 20 graduates, who trained on a contractual (paid) basis, had been distributed.

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