"Job Fair-2017"

On April 27, 2016, the "Job Fair-2017" was taken place at Kostanay state pedagogical institute with the aim of employing graduates of the current year. Representatives of four city and 14 district departments of education, school principals, representatives of colleges of Kostanay, directors and methodologists of preschool institutions, representatives of Zhaksinsk district of Akmola region took part in this fair. In the program of the fair, the head of the teaching and methodical department Kifik Natalia Yuryevna and the methodologist of the Personnel management service of the administration of education of the Akimat of Kostanay region Esmagambetova Gulbana Yermekovna made a welcoming speech. Nurusheva Aliya Balgabaevna, the head of the department of employment and marketing of educational programs of KSPI acquainted students and employers with the Decree of the Government of Republic of Kazakhstan №390 of March 30, 2012 as amended on May 13, 2016 "Approval of the Rules for sending a specialist to work, granting the right to independent employment, the duty or termination of the duty to work for citizens who have been trained on the basis of the state educational order. "

The ceremony of presenting the direction for the work to 23 students of the institute, determined with the place of future work, as a result of passing the production and pedagogical practices was held.

Further there was the individual communication of 120 employers with future graduates of the Institute. The largest number of representatives was from Auliekol, Karabalyk, Karasu, Fedorov districts. The main vacancies, demanded in educational institutions, are teachers of mathematics, physics, Russian language and literature, educators, English teachers.

Students of 22 specialties of the university took part in the event "Job Fair-2017". The meeting resulted in the invitation of 60 percent of students to work in the educational institutions of the region.



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