Regional seminar “The problems and prospects of three-lingual education development”

On April 28, 2017 in Kostanay state pedagogical institute has undergone the regional seminar “The problems and prospects of three-lingual education development”.

The goal of the seminar: prospects of development discussion and practical solutions of problems in the trilingual education field in Kostanay region, exchange of experience and establishment of scientific and business contacts.

Organizers: The polylingual centre and KSPI educational and methodical management, the moderator – is Kifik Natalya Yurevna, the head of KSPI educational and methodical management, the candidate of pedagogical sciences.

Kostanay region akimate’s representatives, scientific and pedagogical workers, the heads of educational institutions of the higher and the secondary education, school representatives, colleges and higher education institutions of Kostanay and Kostanay region have taken part in the seminar.

KSPI rector’s adviser Bekmagambetov Ruslan Kabdugaliyevich has noted the relevance and timeliness of raising of trilingual education questions in the implementation of the development of trilingual education, and also the program documents of the President, including article "The prospection: modernization of public consent" where the central place is allocated to polylingual education.

Within the seminar the topical issues of development and introduction of trilingual education in educational area of Kostanay and Kostanay region were brought up. The manager of foreign languages sector of SM "Department of Education of the Kostanay Region akimate" Sharipbayeva Asel Akhmetkanovna has devoted to the implementation of the Road map of development of trilingual education in the organizations of formation of the Kostanay region.

Eleusizova Gulnara Dosymkhanovna has noted problems and the prospects of trilingual teaching in Kostanay educational space. The deputy director for scientific and methodical work Grudups Ksenia Yanovna has shared experience of holding the actions aimed at the development of language competences of pupils and teachers at school lyceum of Kostanay.

High school training features of specialists within the introduction of trilingual education have lit the head specialist of educational and methodical management of KSU of A. Baytursynov Aubakirova Zaure Bayadilevna, the dean of natural and mathematical faculty of KSPI, PhD in Technological Sciences Sukhov Mikhail Vasilyevich, the deputy the manager with department of natural sciences of natural and mathematical faculty of KSPI, the master of biology, Suyundikova Zhanar Tuleutayevna, the associate professor of pedagogics of KSPI, Shumeyko Tatyana Stepanovna.

The polylingual centre’s head of KSPI Solovyyova Natalya Anatolyevna has devoted to the specifics of preparation of pedagogical staff in the conditions of trilingual education in Kazakhstan.

The program of trilingual development of KSU School of Y. Altynsarin for 2016-2020 was presented by the director of studies on scientific and methodical work of KSU Y. Altynsarin Murzakhmetova Marina Keldybayevna and the teacher of physics of KSU Y.Altynsarin Utkelbayeva Zhazira Kabdullayevna.

The student of the Biology specialty of KSPI Bayanbekova Zhanetta reported about the experience of studying in the polylingual group.

After discussion about the problems of trilingual education in the institutions of the city in the modern conditions, participants of the seminar note that trilingual education is considered as the effective instrument of training of the younger generation for professional activity in the conditions of the competitive world




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