Republican competition of compositions in a state language

Today, on November 18, within the walls of KSPI there was held 1st stage of the Republican competition of compositions in the Kazakh language, "Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздігіне 25 жыл", the order of the head of Administration of the President A. R. Dzhaksybekov which is carried out within realization. "About the actions for the celebration of the 25 anniversary of Independence of the RK". Everyone could participate in the competition. For this purpose 4 age groups were specially organized: 1st group – 7-9 classes; the 2nd group – 10-11 classes; the 3rd group – pupils of vocational schools and colleges. In each group carriers of Kazakh and learning a state language were presented. And there were many persons interested to write the composition: nearly 60 people! Among participants, there were students of KSPI, pupils of the Kazakh-Turkish lyceum, students of the center of studying languages, employees of the regional library of L.N. Tolstoy, employees of Kazakh telecom. It is a result of the collaboration of KSU “Қоғамдық келісім” (The House of friendship) with the department of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan and department of Kazakh and literature.


Before writing of the composition to contestants welcome speech and a wish of progress were made the deputy head of KSU "Қоғамдық келісім" akimat of the Kostanay region A. K. Kozhakhmetov, manager of the department of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan Evdokimova O. N. and manager of department of Kazakh and literature Kanapina Saule Galymbekovna. According to rules, the results of a regional tour have to be summed up on November 24, 2016. This day competent jury which part were A. H. Bekbosynova (the associate professor of KSPI, Candidate of Philology), G. A. Sisembay (the senior teacher of KSPI), S. G.Kanapina (the associate professor managing KSPI department, Candidate of Philology), A. B. Begalina (the teacher of the Kostanay school # 20), G. K. Matkeev (teacher of the Kostanay school # 9) and A. K. Nadyrova the expert of KSU "Қоғамдық келісім ", will have to consider all compositions, to select 8 best works which will adequately represent Kostanay region on the republican tour. Winners of the republican stage will participate in a festive event on summing up the cultural and educational project "1000 bala" within which it will award diplomas and valuable prizes. We wish to all participants of a competition of compositions of a victory and high awards!

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