The lecture presentation in the regional House of friendship

On November 13, 2016, the students and the teachers of KSPI presented at the lecture presentation "Тәуелсіздік тарихы – ұлт рухының өлшемі". The history of the independence reflection of spirit of the Nation" and «Мәңгілік Ел - Болашағы Біртұтас ұлттың рухани негізі» - Мәңгілік Ел –is a spiritual basis of the Nation of the Uniform Future", carried out in the House of friendship within the republican stock "Train Тәуелсіздік Kazakhstan" devoted to the 25th anniversary of independence of the RK. The academician, professor, the doctor of philosophy, the director of the Center for the analysis, forecast, social initiatives of Nur Otan, the President of the International Civic Peace coalition "Civil World" Kazkenov Kazbek Maylybayevich said in: "All of us conducted by one purpose – is to build the strong state – the Мәңгілік Ел.

During the existence, Kazakhstan became the recognizable and worthy country. Universal values: to have good work, a worthy old age, to raise children - so necessary for us, are reached only if in a camp there is a friendship, the world, a consent, and tolerance.
Andrievskaya Olga Olegovna, the chairman of the Bulgarian cultural center of "Gold" (Astana), read Dymov Oleg Grigoryevich's verses filled with a deep feeling of patriotism and loves to Kazakhstan. The famous public figure Zhumagali Arystan, the author of the book "Point of support", our fellow countryman, reflected on values which the youth has to choose. "First of all, the good education is necessary. It has to become the need of each young man. A good education - is a condition for possible career development". Zhumagali Ersultanovich gave an example from own life when undertook a duty to pay training in one of republican higher education institution in the performance. Need for a good education the chairman of “Supported society of Turks of Kazakhstan” Asker Piriyev. “Modern and quality education is requirements of the modern market economy in the form in which we want to see it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow steadily to develop the country. Steadily to develop the country, we have to be competent, erudite, intellectually developed. Today are laid great hopes on youth, the country has to have a worthy stock of young shots", - noted Asker in the performance.


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