40 teachers of KSPI finished training at summer language school

For two weeks teachers and the staff of institute increased the English language level at summer language school based on the Polylingual Centtr of KSPI. Fascinating occupations in the easy atmosphere and immersion in the English language allowed achieving good results in studying English. In training process listeners were engaged by different techniques, gained the new knowledge necessary in professional activity, and also felt more confident in use of English as communication language.

The conclusion of the training course at summer language school is sports – recreation camp KSPI. The program of day was very saturated: walks on beautiful vicinities, sports, performance of the famous songs in English in the original version. But especially all liked quest in English which tasks included questions of the English-speaking countries, grammatical and lexical subjects, and also creative tasks. At the beginning participants divided into three teams, each of which provided their names. Participants carried out each of the offered tasks with huge interest, attentively conforming to instructions and the rules. The final of quest the ceremony of delivery of certificates on a successful completion of a course of summer language school was held.

The students of summer language school about this day and work of school say: "This day we communicated in English, sang the English songs, laughed much and walked, admiring the nature, took photos. We have remarkably a rest with the immersion in English!"

"It is a pity that two weeks of training passed so quickly! Thanks to organizers for the gained knowledge, your work and patience, for an opportunity to feel students! I very much liked the program of school: viewing of movies in English, trainings, reading, transfer, acquaintance to the English-speaking countries. Next year I will surely attend your summer language school".

"Having registered in summer school, without even basic knowledge of English, I did not feed special hopes. I went to classes out of curiosity. But in two weeks me accustomed to study English every day and taught as it to do what training programs and literature to use for this purpose. I am going to be engaged in studying of English every day in the summer. And in new academic year I will surely attend a language course".




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