Summer school in KSPI

On 15 May at the Polylingual centre of the Faculty of additional education, English summer school began to work. Within English summer school, about 40 teachers and employees of KSPI have an opportunity to increase the level of English by means of immersion in the atmosphere of the English language.

The lessons are daily, with the use of computer technologies and innovative techniques of teaching. At school highly qualified specialists of the Polylingual centre and the teachers of philological faculties of the institute: N. A.Solovyova -the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, the head of the Polylingual centre, V. V.Danilova and N. A.Matveyeva - the senior teachers of department of the foreign languages, G. M.Suleymenova - is the senior teacher of the teaching and educational centre of language training and G. S.Tyulyubayeva is the specialist of the Polylingual centre.

The program of the school is various and calculated on fixing of the language and professional skills, expansion of an outlook, including knowledge of the English-speaking countries. During studying at school listeners are offered:

English movies watching in the original version and their subsequent discussion;
• psychological training in English;
• predictive reading;
• translation bases;
• the interesting facts about the English-speaking countries.

Studying at the language school for the institute staff is free; following the results of the course listeners will receive the standard certificates.

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