The pupils of the Secondary school №1 of regional center Fedorovka visited Kostanay state pedagogic institute

Pupils of the Fedorovskaya Secondary school №1 were invited to an excursion to KSPI. The main goal of the excursion was further entering to the institute. 24 pupils of the 11th class with the class teacher on October 25, despite the weather conditions, arrived to Kostanay. The staff of reception committee of the institute, teachers of faculties was responsible for professional orientation work met children.

"Our institute trains experts in 23 specialties during 78 years, – the Head of reception committee N. Kabdrakhmetov welcomed pupils. - Each year educational grants are selected to institute. And what is important, we have a high percent of employment. Having entered KSPI, you are convinced that the institute has the developed infrastructure, hostels, sports constructions, and library".

The staff of faculties told pupils about institute and its graduates and the major advantages of studying in state university. KSPI has direct educational and scientific contacts with the leading Higher education institutions of Russia, France and Germany. At institute educational programs of the academic mobility of polylingual education actively are implemented, - speakers noted.

The class teacher of pupils thanked the faculty of institute and told that "KSPI does not need advertizing. About level of training it is possible to judge by graduates who work not only in Kazakhstan, but also beyond its limits". After that children visited educational offices, laboratories, communicated to teachers. School students obtained full information on faculties of institute.

Information booklets about institute, faculties and departments were distributed to all pupils. After holding this excursion we hope for further cooperation and communication especially as all children left us the contact information and phones and also wrote down phone numbers of reception committee and faculties.


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You are here: Home News Educational and methodical work The pupils of the Secondary school №1 of regional center Fedorovka visited Kostanay state pedagogic institute