About the program of the academic mobility in our higher education institution

Paramount measures for modernization of system of the Kazakhstan education provide introduction of modern technologies and techniques of training, improvement of quality of teaching staff, strengthening of the educational work aimed at the development of the Kazakhstan patriotism, tolerance, etc. The solution of the specified tasks acquires special relevance in the context of implementation of requirements of the Bologna declaration.

It is known that formation of common world educational space, first of all, is expressed in harmonization of approaches to the organization of educational process. Within the Bologna Process the great value is attached to the academic mobility of students, teachers and administrative personnel of higher education institutions. Therefore now one of the most important tasks of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute is the problem of modernization of educational process promoting improvement of quality, availability and efficiency of education. Achievement of these purposes is promoted in many respects by development of the academic mobility of students. The academic mobility is important as for personal development and increase in a possibility of successful employment of students, and for increase in competitiveness of KSPI and improvement of his positions in national ratings.

At the moment within the program of the academic mobility students of our higher education institution study in higher education institutions of the country and abroad. For example, the students of philological faculty Baltabayeva Ayazhan and Tavyldiyeva Asyl study at the Varminsko-Mazursky university (Olsztyn city, Republic of Poland); the students of the same faculty Assembay Marzhan, Bakeeva Zarina, Petrova Natalya, Chunina Anna study at the Via Domitia University (Perpignan city, France). The students of psychology and pedagogical faculty Baktybayeva Nazerke, Orynbasar Assem, Ashymkhanova Balnur, Mamraliyeva Sabira study at the Taraz state pedagogical institute. The students of tourism and sport faculty Asset Kasymkhan and Ayan Bayzakov according to the program of the academic mobility are sent to the Arkalyk state pedagogical institute named by I. Altynsarin. The students of the 3d course of philological faculty Aymgul Abenova and Aysara Baltabekkyzy study at the Euroasian humanitarian institute of the city of Astana. At the West Kazakhstan agrarian and technical university studies the student of the 3d course of natural-mathematical faculty Nazerke Amangaliyeva. The student of the 3d course of the same faculty Aydyn Tolen studies at the Kokshetau state university.

The strategic development plan for institute provides increase in number of students who will study within the program of the academic mobility. According to new Rules of the organization of educational process for credit technology of education both the vertical, and horizontal, i.e. internal mobility of students will become more active further. Thus, the academic mobility of students became the integral line of modern higher education and, from our point of view, will increase further. For this purpose in our higher education institution there are all bases and opportunities: personnel and scientific potential, communication with the large international scientific organizations and higher education institutions, interaction with leaders of the higher school of Kazakhstan.

Академическая мобильность в КГПИ

Академическая мобильность в КГПИ

Академическая мобильность в КГПИ

Академическая мобильность в КГПИ

Академическая мобильность в КГПИ

Академическая мобильность в КГПИ

Академическая мобильность в КГПИ

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