The professional group of KSPI gains steam …

On November 16, the professional group of KSPI left to Zhitikara. We formed a team from among employees of selection committee, teachers of natural and mathematical, social and humanitarian and psychology and pedagogical faculties and also students of institute – graduates of schools of Zhitikara 2016-2017.

To render the help and assistance in the choice of specialty and also to attract future entrants in institute, we visited high schools #2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12 and a gymnasium, covered professional oriented work about 200 people.

We told children about a possibility of training in state university, tried to place emphasis on real achievements and competitive advantages. In spite of the fact that the Kostanay state teacher training college is a higher education institution with rich history and by right takes one of conducting the place in educational space of Kazakhstan, however rapid development in modern conditions of information technologies, the most open information space aggravates the competition in the field of scientific and educational activity.

To interest –is the main task which we needed to solve to attract entrants. For future student the most important criteria are the prestigious of Higher education institution, interesting training process and perspectives of further employment, allocation on pedagogical specialties by the Ministry of Education and Science of a large number of educational grants. When holding actions we tried to place emphasis on these aspects.

The distributing materials informing on specialties on which preparation in KSPI, an information material about institute with contact telephone numbers of selection committee and faculties and also about profile subjects and the list of the documents necessary at entering a higher education institution is conducted were provided to pupils.

Everything interested children: from training cost on a paid basis, the number of the points necessary for obtaining the educational grant to seat availability in the hostel and an opportunity to be engaged in sports sections and circles.

During the meeting we came into contacts with school collectives, with class teachers, directors of studies and directors of schools and also with children, exchanged phones in hope for further cooperation.

There is a wish to thank separately directors of schools for a heartiest welcome, the found time and the provided offices and also personally the head of department of formation of Zhitikara district Bimagambetova Maira Ilyasovna for assistance in the organization of a meeting with school students.







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