“Francophone Spring”

Annually in March in all French Alliances at Embassy of France in Kazakhstan passes Week of francophone which in this year is renamed into Francophone Spring. This year it has been solemnly opened by Ambassadors of the francophone countries on the 1st March and will last until the end of April. Various competitions with involvement of students of the universities, pupils of schools and colleges are held within this action.

The purpose of these actions is acquaintance with various francophone cultures, motivation French learning. Francophone emphasizes all richness of French, supports and advances a cultural and linguistic diversity, constantly speaks about a role of languages and the cultures of the different countries in the conditions of globalization.

Within “Francophone Spring” employees of the French cultural center of the Kostanay state pedagogical university in March, 2018 have held the following events:

From the 1st of March to the 7th of March has taken place the “Week of the French cinema” where have been presented such movies as “Vandal”, “La Bande à Juliette”, “Le beau monde”, “Vincent n'a pas d'écailles”. Students of the Kostanay state pedagogical university, Kostanay state university, Chelyabinsk state university and also Kostanay polytechnical college of higher education have taken part in watching of movies. After watching of each film has been organized the discussion in French, where students shared their opinions and impressions about the watched movie.

On the 12th of March has been carried out the “Literary studio” devoted to the works of the French writer Stendhal, namely the work “Red and Black”. To the students of the 3rd and 4th courses of philological faculty of KSPU, specialty “Foreign language: two foreign languages” have been given in advance a task to examine Stendhal’s creativity and to read “Red and Black”. Then students together with the teacher Zhanburshinova Gulnar Kadyrovna have analysed and have discussed this work in French. The novel was pleasant to many students, and they have seen in it very deep meaning and a message.

On the 14th of March has been held the “Competition of readers of francophone poetry” in which students of KSPU, KSU, ChelSU, KPCHE and also pupils of the gymnasium of A.M. Gorky have participated. Children have presented their favourite works by the French poets, accompanying the performances with the corresponding presentations and music. Each performance has been estimated by judges in structure: Parilova Liliya Stepanovna, Vedenko Aleftina Grigoryevna and Kuskadamova Kuanysh Suleymenovna. As a result students of philological faculty of our university have shown good preparation and the literary talent! The 1st place was taken by Amanbayeva Dayana, the 2nd place was taken by Shipov Ilya. Also the 1st place has been awarded to the schoolgirl of the gymnasium of A.M. Gorky Obraztsova Olga. All contestants were satisfied with participation in this action and have been awarded with memorable prizes and diplomas.

On the 16th of March in the assembly hall of Regional Universal Scientific Library named after L.N. Tolstoy has taken place the 10th anniversary of the “Competition of a francophone song”. The festive program was opened by guests of our action sisters Safina and Camila. Girls have sung songs in Italian, Russian and Kazakh languages. Also Bektayeva Madina, the schoolgirl of the 6th class of the school number 5 named after Baurzhan Momyshuly became the guest of our holiday. Small talents already have quite rich creative baggage; they repeatedly participated in the international and city musical competitions.

Judges of this competition became: Hanna Wolfe – the language assistant of the Goethe Institute, Bassova Victoriya – the specialist in a vocal, Kuskadamova Kuanysh Suleymenovna – the senior teacher of the language center of the Kostanay state pedagogical university.

Under the terms of a competition participants have been divided into two categories: francophones are participants who learn French or know it; not francophones are fans or professional performers and also students of musical faculties.

Students of the Kostanay state pedagogical university, Kostanay state university, Chelyabinsk state university, Kostanay polytechnical college of higher education and also Kostanay pedagogical college became the contestants in these categories.

The action has taken place brightly and fascinating, children have sung songs by modern French singers, having experienced them to the last word. There is a wish to note that each contestant has very responsibly made the preparation for this competition, having shown as a result an excellent performance.

It is necessary to tell that the jury was quite strict and very competent therefore places in our action were categorized as follows: in the category “Francophones” the 1st place was taken by the student of KSPU Amanbayeva Dayana, the 2nd place – Assembay Marzhan, also the student of KSPU and the 3rd place has received Bozhakova Diana who is a student of ChelSU; in the category “Not francophones” the 1st place was taken by Sabigina Aina, the student of KSU, the 2nd place has been awarded to Mukhtarov Maral, the student of the KPC and the 3rd place – Erkebulan Bayan, the student of KSU.

Now these students will participate in the final of a competition of a francophone song which will take place in Astana on April 12.

There is a wish to express huge gratitude to all participants and event managers, devoted to “Francophone Spring” and also to wish further success and good-luck in French learning!

Also the French cultural center of KSPU invites to participate in further actions of francophone which will take place in April: “A competition of translators”, “A competition of experts of French” (between higher education institutions of Kostanay), “A competition of graffiti” and “A cheerful lesson with Charles Perrault’s characters”.


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