Russian Language for Chinese students

Within five months, seven students of the third year of the Xinjiang Agrarian Vocational and Technical Institute passed the language courses of the spoken Russian language on the basis of our university. Chinese students came to our city for academic mobility program.

The course of teaching Russian as a foreign language was taught by RaisaIshchanova and Sara BoltaevnaArsaeva, who used effective, non-standard methods of teaching Russian language in class, selected interesting handouts, and tried to make the classes interesting and informative.

The students studied Russian language purposefully. From the first days they actively plunged into the student life of the Institute: they got acquainted with the University and the city in which they had spent six months. Students realize the importance of knowing the Russian language, in order to freely navigate the city, to communicate with classmates, and mentors.Over time, they realized how complex, at the same time, rich and powerful Russian language is. To increase interest in the study of the Russian language, students studied the language not only during classroom sessions, but also during extracurricular time. Teachers were pleased with foreigners' interest in Russian and Kazakh culture, their traditions and language. Cooperation and business relations of different countries, as we know, lead to the development of tourist and trade routes at all levels.And for successful communication, a person needs language knowledge. In this regard, we rejoice that the Russian language is still very popular in China. During the academic period, every day we communicated with students from China.

We can say that they are very open, friendly, respectful to the older generation. For them, with thestaff members of our University IskandirovVladislavBekmuratovich, Sergey V. Samarkin, Oksana Alexandrovna GAUS organized various excursions that helped not only to learn the “live” Russian language, but also to enter into a dialogue with people. Such trips not only enriched the vocabulary of students, but also gave a lot of impressions. For the purpose of intensive study of the Russian language, students visited theaters, museums, cinemas, cafes, shopping centers, festive city events. Everybody reacted with full responsibility to the theater, and before going to the play, they studied literary works in detail, so that all the actors' performances on the stage were clear. Therefore, going to the theater was fascinating for them: it was interesting not only the performance, but also the atmosphere of the theater, the scenery, sounds, the actors' play. Of course, Kostanay will be remembered by students from China not only as a city where they studied the Russian language, but also the place where they made new friends. In the process of teaching, the students made friends with their peers from different regions who study in our city. And this is also good, because the Russian language - is the language of interethnic communication that has brought them closer together! Students successfully passed the exam in Russian Language and received a certificate.






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