The organization of an excursion for the University of Pupils of the regional center of testing "UStudy" on Kostanay

On April 26, 2018 the staff of office of career guidance and public services of the university together with the regional center of testing "UStudy" on Kostanay have organized an excursion in the Kostanay pedagogical university for pupils of 11 classes of high schools with a state language of training of Altynsarinskiy (4 persons), Auliyekolskiy (6), Zhangeldinskiy (1), Kamystinskiy (1), Kostanay (2), Mendykarinskiy (1) and Naurzumsky (2) areas. Further receipt of children in the university on specialty of natural and mathematical faculty became a main objective of holding a fact-finding excursion of school students. In total have visited the University of 17 School Students.

The staff of faculties responsible for professional orientation work has told children about Higher education institution and its graduates, advantages of training in state university.

Children have visited educational offices, laboratories, robotics office, have communicated to teachers. School students have obtained full information on all interesting questions in the light of acceptance of the last changes in regulations.

Information booklets about the university, faculties and departments with the indication of profile objects UNT have been distributed to all pupils.

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