Сonducting a survey in the framework of the project KUTEL

One of the main activities of the project is the presence of feedback from participants in the educational process. To this end, partner universities have developed a questionnaire for interviewing teachers and employers. The purpose of this survey is to identify the general awareness of the faculty on the main issues of ensuring the quality of the educational process at the university. Knowledge of the basic processes of organizing the educational process, the preparation of work programs, syllabuses, individual student plans, etc. In addition, the survey provides an analysis of the situation where possible changes in quality assurance procedures. Also, a separate set of questions concerns the analysis of the situation of using new educational technologies in the educational process, pros and cons in this matter. Questioning involves issues of support for faculty in various areas of activity.

The survey of employers is focused on identifying issues of training of specialists who own modern educational technologies of education who are able to navigate in the educational process in a timely manner. For employers there will be interesting questions focused on levers of control and revision of curricula in accordance with the requirements of society and employers, as well as questions on the organization of external quality assurance.

Thus, the survey will determine the initial level of quality assurance in training at Kostanay State Pedagogical University.

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