The results of the online dictation “Nur-Sultan - the heart of Eurasia”

On April 6, 2020 educational program «The Russian Language and Literature» conducted the online dictation “Nur-Sultan - the Heart of Eurasia” in the frameworks of the celebration of the three-year anniversary of the Rukhani Zhangyru program. The dictation was organized by the participants and the head of the social project “Easy Russian” (2nd year students of educational program «the Russian Language and Literature» and teacher A. Ryadinskaya).

The goals of the dictation were to identify the rules of the Russian language with the aim of improving them, to increase the level of literacy through discussing the results of the dictation and debriefing, to foster patriotism and create a respectful attitude to the history of the country. The online dictation was carried out on the Instagram platform, it was carried on the page of the Easy Russian social project (@ First-year students of the educational programs “Foreign Languages: Two Foreign Languages”, “Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education”, “Special Pedagogy”, “Chemistry-Biology” took part in the dictation.

On April 13 a videoconference was held in zoom, where the results of the participants were announced, and typical mistakes of the participants were analyzed. Nominee «The most compitent» was received by the 1st year student of the educational program "Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education" Nurbaeva Korkem, the remaining participants received certificates.

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