Day of the slavic written language and culture
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- Published: 30 May 2020

From May 24 to May 30, 2020, the senior teacher of the Department of Philology Koval O. was holding events dedicated to the Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture in a remote format. Every year on May 24 this holiday is celebrated in Kazakhstan and many countries of the world. “Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture is very important for multinational Kazakhstan. Therefore we decided to organize an action under the hashtag #возрождаем забытое and conduct an online quiz on the Quizizz platform. Thus we would like to declare the desire of students to protect and strengthen friendship, trust and mutual understanding between peoples” says senior teacher Olessya Koval.
The origins of this holiday are inextricably linked with the celebration of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius. They were enlighteners, creators of the Slavic alphabet. The emergence of writing became a real cultural revolution in the fate of mankind. It is thanks to writing that we today know history; we can study all the achievements of previous eras, which preserved in papyrus, scrolls, and books.
Throughout the week the action under the hashtag #возрождаем забытое was continuing on social networks of the Department of Philology. The purpose of the flash mob is to recall the forgotten words of the Old Russian language. Students published photos with their favorite phrases, aphorisms, in which one or two words were replaced by the Old Russian language. «Задумчивая духъ склоняется к одиночеству», «Настоящий наказатель не тот, кто тебя постоянно воспитывает, а тот кто помогает тебе стати самим собой», «Абы жити счастливо - живи тайно!», «Мир не без благих людей» «Суть животи – найти самого себя», such flashy phrases came out among the participants of the action.
On May 28 an online quiz called Day of the Slavic Written Language and Culture was hosted on the Quizizz platform. The purpose of the quiz was to expand knowledge on the emergence of typography, writing and its distribution. Students took an active part in the online quiz. During the game its winners were determined:
1st place is Alina Mikitaychuk, 1st year student;
2nd place is Ivan Barannikov, 4th year student;
3rd place is Zhanel Amedinova, 3rd year student.