Writing a scientific work of students


On January 5, 2017, on the basis of Kostanay College of the Service Sector of Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay region, a regional seminar "Organization of the writing of scientific works of students in schools and colleges" was held. Within the framework of this seminar, Danilova V.V., Ph.D., Master of pedagogy and psychology, a senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of KSPI, spoke in the "English Language" section. Topic of the section: "Scientific work for pupils: organizing, planning and monitoring".

The lecturer shared information of theoretical and practical nature (setting goals, research objectives, determining the object, the subject and hypothesis of work, planning the practical part). Also, teachers - listeners of the seminar - had an opportunity to practically carry out a dialogue on the issues of writing scientific work within the framework of their chosen theme. The listeners noted the practical focus and usefulness of organizing this section.

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