Multilingualism – a way to the future

The multilingualism is an objective cultural and economic requirement. In our country entering into the world community the favorable conditions for studying and distribution of languages are created. Now is recognized as training in languages as the priority direction education updating. In the message of the President to the people of Kazakhstan it is told: "Education reform is one of the major tools, allowing to provide actual competitiveness of Kazakhstan. We need the modern education system corresponding to requirements of economic and public modernization. Our main goal – to attract interest in studying of languages. Multilingualism – a way to the future". The seminar "Training of a polylingual teacher: state and prospects" in JSC NCPD “Orleu” was devoted to these questions. Solovyyova N.A., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, the head of the foreign languages department of KSPI presented the report on the subject "Problems and Prospects of Trilingual Education". In the performance of Solovyov N.A. affected difficulties of introduction of trilingual education at schools and higher education institutions of Kazakhstan, told about preparation of polylingual pedagogical staff at the Kostanay state pedagogic institute, shared her teaching experience in polylingual groups.


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