“The historic opportunity for the further development of the nation…”

On October 12, the group Russian Language and Literature - 31, together with the curator of the Department of Russian Language and Literature Koval O.V. within the framework of the program «Spiritual renewal» held a curatorial hour on the theme «Spiritual renewal: future orientation» to discuss the program article of the Head of State "Prospection: Modernizing of the Public Consciousness "

Students prepared reports and videos.The articles of the Head of State were considered.A separate aspect was the projects offered by N. Nazarbayev.The students discussed that the transition to the Latin alphabet is timely and responds to the challenges of the era, and it is also the first step in bringing the language closer to world culture.The special theme was the implementation of the program in Kostanay area.

Koval O.V. noted: “The message contains valuable thoughts, ideas and suggestions which are the key to the well-being of the future generation”. It is very important to unite the youth to fulfill their tasks.

The participant of the curatorial hour was the deputy dean of the philological faculty Shoshakova Zh. K., who stressed that the transition to Latin is a historic opportunity for the further development of the nation and the opportunity to disseminate and broadcast the achievements of Kazakhstan in the world.

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