International scientific and practical conference "Globalized world: social - economic and political tendencies in education"

On October 31, 2017 on the basis of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute the department of foreign languages has organized the international scientific and practical conference "Globalized  world: social-economic and political tendencies in education" with participation of scientists of the international scale (M. Estrada, the doctor of philosophy of the Varvika University, Great Britain, V. Petrov, the Kazimeshsky University after K. Veliky, Poland, professor Sankarakumar, India). The moderator is Solovyova N.A., candidate of pedagogical sciences, an associate professor, a head of the department of foreign languages of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute.

Leading experts in education and language policy of the Kostanay region and the Republic of Kazakhstan in general have participated in a plenary session. The participant presented their reports: Akhmetov Tlegen Almukhanovich, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, vice rector for scientific work and strategic development of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute.; Asanova Dariya Nurtasovna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the European and East languages Karaganda state university after E.A. Buketov; Mendekinova Gulzhan Ermashevna, head of GU "Management on Development of Languages of Akimat of the Kostanay Region"; Sultanova Gallia Erkenovna, deputy director for studies of KGKP "Kostanay Construction College", etc.

In the main part of a conference the report was made by Bondarenko Yury Yakovlevich, the candidate of philosophical sciences of KGU  after A. Baytursynov, Esirkepova Kenzhegul Kabylgazinovna, Candidate of Philology, the dean of philological faculty of KGPI, opening an entity a trilingual system  in the modern education.

Kudritskaya  M.I. on October 13 was a presenter for curriculum design and English Language Teaching in modern methods of language teaching  for PSG College of Technology Peelamedu. As a feedback Dr. S. Sankarakumar, India , took part in the conference via skype.

About informatization of education and a role of the international Erasmus project + ACADÉMICA made the report Candidate of Economic Sciences, the associate professor of KGPI Kuanysh Tobylovich Tobylov. Zharkova Valentina Ivanovna, Candidate of Philology of KGPI told about features of literary speculations of M. Auezov. Within the conference students of specialty "A foreign language acted: two foreign languages" – the student  of 4 courses the Belozerskaya Elizabeth, students of the 3d courses Utkelbayev Zhanibek, Narmukhambet Balgul, Ukanova Alina. The problems delivered within the international scientific and practical conference lit such spheres of education as:

  1. Social and economic and political problems of development of education and the international cooperation in the sphere of science and education;
  2. Formation of the polycultural personality on a basis of a trilingual system  in the modern education;
  3. Early foreign-language education: experience, problems, innovations;
  4. Current problems of teaching a foreign language in the system of secondary and higher education;
  5. Inclusive education: current state, problems and prospects;
  6. The Conference has taken place information and communication technologies in education successfully, participants have received certificates;

Also pedagogical workers, heads of educational institutions of the higher and secondary education, colleges and higher education institutions of Kostanay and the Kostanay region have taken part in work of a conference. The correspondence part was taken by teachers of Russia, Ukraine, Great Britain, Poland and India.

In general, the action has taken place at rather good scientific level, the participants of the conference were awarded with certificates.

A general sponsor of a conference was the McMillan publishing house, which has provided distributing material for the participants of the conference.

Международная научно-практическая конференция «Глобализирующейся мир: социально-экономические и политические тенденции в образовании»

Международная научно-практическая конференция «Глобализирующейся мир: социально-экономические и политические тенденции в образовании»

Международная научно-практическая конференция «Глобализирующейся мир: социально-экономические и политические тенденции в образовании»

Международная научно-практическая конференция «Глобализирующейся мир: социально-экономические и политические тенденции в образовании»

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