Teaching for Success

British Council launched a project for Needs Analysis in the sphere of English teachers training in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in November, 2017. 26 Universitiesfrom the two countries were selected as the premises for the data collection. Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute and Foreign Languages Chair were one of the participating parties. Marina Kudritskaya was selected on competitive basis as the British Council Ambassador for carrying out the project in this Institute. She was responsible for observing two classes with their subsequent analysis, and facilitating two Focus Group Discussions: one with teachers and one with students. Lessons for observation were conducted by Madina Kushneruk and Yevgenia Amirova for the first-year students.

Seven teachers of the English Department took part in the Focus Group Discussion: Olga Podavets, Nadezhda Matveeva, Yevgenia Amirova, Madina Kushneruk, Assel Bermukhambetova, Yekaterina Kudritskaya and Marina Kudritskaya as discussion moderator. Students of the group 34 ER participated in Student Focus Group Discussion: Nargiz Rabatova, Botagoz Kalieva, Alexander Ratushny, Angelina Shin, Maria Bogatykh, Zhanar Kabulova, Babazhan Khashirmetov. Both discussions were videoed and sent to Great Britain to Penny Mosavian, the British Council Consultant. All teachers and students completed the Needs Analysis Survey on-line, which enhances the objectivity of the data collection process.

Based on the results of the project, improvements into the English Language Teaching Methodology in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan will be developed by the scientists of the British Council.


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