"Day of the First President"

On November 30, teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​organized several events dedicated to the state holiday "Day of the First President". The aim of the events was to promote patriotic attitude towards the Motherland.

Third-year students 31 AR, 32 AP, 33 AR and 34 AR took part in the discussion on the topic "The role of the leader in the development of the state", organized by Kudritskaya Y.A. The discussion was based on video material and was conducted in English. The students discussed questions about how the country's leader influence on its development, how state power is distributed among state institutions and how, having studied the structure of power, students can be good citizens of their country by taking part in democratic processes in society. Quotations from the new strategy formulated by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Ruhani Zhanhyru" were cited and discussed concerning active development of the state and the role of open consciousness in a renewing society. All the students took active part in the discussion, especially distinguished Rabatova Nargiz, Kabulova Zhanar, Latypova Kamila, Balguzhina Sabina

«День первого Президента»

First-year students 11 AP, 12 AP, 13 AP, 14 AP, 15 AP and 11 MTR participated in the interactive quiz "The First President of Kazakhstan", prepared by Amirova E., Matveeva N. Participants of the quiz formed teams, creatively presented names of their teams and actively participated in competition. Nikonorova Valeria and Sadvokasova Saltanat presented reports on the life and work of NA. Nazarbayev. In the first contest students wrote poems on the proposed words. Particularly striking works were created by Amanbayeva Dayana, Tatagulova Zhanar, Olzhabaeva Karina, Zyuban Vyacheslav.

In the second contest, students discussed the connection of certain images with the life and work of Nazarbayev N.A. The third contest was held with the help of the interactive game "Kahoot", the participants competed in the speed of thought and reaction, answering questions about the historical facts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the work of Nazarbayev N.A. At the end Ismayilov Ayan read a poem about the Motherland, students Olzhabaeva Karina and Sadvokasova Saltanat performed a patriotic song.

«День первого Президента»

Во втором этапе викторины студенты обсуждали и аргументировали связь определенных изображений с жизнью и трудовой деятельностью Н.А. Назарбаева. Третий конкурс проходил с помощью интерактивной игры «Kahoot», участники соревновались в скорости мысли и реакции, отвечая на вопросы об исторических фактах Республики Казахстан и трудовой деятельности Н.А. Назарбаева. В завершении Исмаилова Аяна прочитала стихотворение о Родине, а студентки Ольжабаева Карина и Садвокасова Салтанат потрясающе исполнили патриотическую песню.

«День первого Президента»

«День первого Президента»

«День первого Президента»

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