December 6, 2017. There was an event dedicated to the holiday "Nikolaustag" based on the Kazakh-French Center. About 20 students of the 1st and 3rd year of the Faculty of Philology of the Department of Foreign Languages with the second foreign language: German / French and students of the 3rd and 4th year of the Faculty of Philology of the Foreign Languages ​​Department with the first foreign languages: German took part in the festival. Also during the celebration, there were head teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages: Doshchanova BM, Burmagina LA, Zhakbebaeva MG, Zhanburshinova GK, and Master of Philology Sukhova AV.

The cabinet was decorated in accordance with the traditions of celebration: tinsel, garland, Christmas boots, calendars, and a Christmas wreath.

During the event, students of each of the present courses showed their presentations on the theme of the holiday, were acquainted with the traditions of the celebration of St. Nicholas Day, and performed Christmas songs in French and German.

At the end of the event, 4th year students Mukushev Zhadra and Belozerskaya Elizaveta held Christmas competitions among the students present.


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