Independence Day

On 12st December curatorial hour was conducted at the Department of Russian language and literature by the 2nd year students. It was devoted for Independence Day.

The goals of the curatorial hour were the education of respect for the history and the heroic past of the nation; the formation of a pride, a responsibility for the fate of the country.

The welcome address was made by the curator of the group candidate of filological sciences, associate professor Segizbaeva K.К. and candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Karbenova Z.U.

The event started with watching the video "My Kazakhstan", where the chronicle of independent Kazakhstan, history and stages of formation had been presented.

Students took part with interest in the quiz "My own game". After welcoming, the questions about architecture, personalities in history, memorable dates, flora and fauna of Kazakhstan were offered for the teams.

Creativity was demonstrated on protect of the project "The Future of Kazakhstan with Our Eyes." by the students. The project was evaluated according to three criterias: communication effectiveness, idea of creativity and design.

After the completion of all stages of the contest, the results were summed up. Winners and active participants were awarded diplomas.

The event ended of interesting rite with ribbons "The Tree of Desires". Students tied colored ribbons and wrote their desires on papers, placed it in "capsule", which they decided to open in the final year of study.

All participants shared their impressions and thanked the organizers.

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